Improved grammatical, syntactical and style checks
The latest version of Language Tool, the grammatical, spelling, style and syntax checker, has been customized for its application to procedures and requirements and updated for a complete and accurate coverage of all these applicable issues. Thus, millions of common syntax, grammatical and punctuation mistakes will now be detected, but also pleonasm, non existing days (ex : Tuesday, the 8th of February 2023) and more.
Coverage of new norms and recommendations
Semios 3.9 adds a few new rules to cover more recommendations and norms:
- Simplified Technical English (ASD-STE100) compatibility, with a new rule to detect vocabulary according to their grammatical nature (ADJECTIVE, NOUN, VERBE, …). This rule is originally created to cover the ASD-STE100 norm but can be customized to suit your own norm.
- Detection of semantic double negation (ex: The exits doors shall not be inaccessible) as requested by a customer
- As requested by a customer, detection of impersonal expressions (ex: It shall be impossible that…), as they prevent the clear identification of the elements specified by the requirement.
New customization features
New features to improve our users’ customization capacity, such as:
- The possibility to create as many generic detection rules as you want based entirely on your own vocabulary. No need to wait any longer for the Semios team to implement it !
and also:
- The possibility to create as many detections based on counting metrics occurrences counter) as you want.
- Access to the Semantic Manual within the configuration tool for a more user-friendly experience
- New “comment” field in the lexicon term allowing, among other things, to identify vocabulary suggested by users from the Semios addons.
- Possibility to download an analysis context configuration
All forbidden characters detections are now in their own rules for an easier customization of the messages and individual activation in analysis contexts
More accuracy
Improvement of several rules to cover more special cases :
- Structure EN
- Coord EN
- No Modal EN and FR
- No shall EN
- Passive FR
- Negative Modal EN and FR
Do you have questions ? contact us.
Image by benzoix on Freepik